Focusing on Self-Care and Wellness During a Pandemic

It’s easy to forget about self-care and wellness during a time of so much uncertainty. The effects of the current pandemic have impacted many of us mentally and physically. The loss of jobs and businesses, increased financial pressures in addition to social distancing from family and friends, isolation and limits on exercise, have all contributed to many of us feeling stressed, fatigued and overwhelmed.

The mental load of trying to make sense of it all and organise, prioritise and keep the household running is a lot for anyone to take. Now more than ever, we need to make sure we are taking care of ourselves to avoid becoming run down and unable to function correctly. Easier said than done; I hear you say.

We can sometimes be our own worst enemy when it comes to taking care of the mind, body and soul. As we diligently tune into daily reports on the health of our population, we must remember to pay attention to our habits and eat right, reduce our stress levels, incorporate some exercise and take time out. All these self-care measures are so necessary for maintaining your health, happiness and resilience. As we all know, we can’t serve others if we haven’t ‘filled our cup first.’

Self-Care and Relaxation Tips

It’s essential to make sure you take care of your health and wellbeing. While wearing a mask and carrying out the right sanitizing procedures is essential, just as vital is the art of self-care and relaxation. Many of us will automatically look to ensure our loved ones are in good health, safe and protected, but often neglect our well being.

We’ve listed a few ideas on how to focus on self-care and wellness:

Invest in a good skincare regimen
There is nothing more rewarding than having a healthy, glowing, clean skin. While we are spending so much time at home, it’s an excellent opportunity to get into a good routine of cleansing, toning and moisturising every day. Not only will a good skincare routine help to increase levels to the skin, but it will leave you feeling refreshed, boost your self-confidence and keep you grounded in the present moment.

Take a bath
One of life’s most beneficial luxuries is that of a deep warm bath to melt a tired and run-down body into. There is nothing better than immersing yourself into a bath filled with your favourite essential oils while you lay there, surrounded by the gentle flicker of candles. It’s a great way to rest your mind and allow the blend of water and oils to massage the cells of your skin, leaving you feeling fresh and nourished.

Dedicate a day to pamper yourself
Sundays are a great day to set aside some self-care and pampering for yourself. Allocate some time to pop a fresh, vibrant colour of nail polish onto your overworked fingernails. We all know how vital our olfactory senses are in triggering certain feelings and emotions. Spray on your favourite perfume and breath in the delicious scent to heighten your spirits and make yourself feel that little bit ‘special.’

Get plenty of sleep
Sleep is key to keep your immune system functioning properly and to fight infection. It’s also vital for proper brain function and is a major contributor to improving our mood and emotions. We should be aiming to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Getting a good night’s sleep is not only beneficial to our mental well being, but it’s also essential in maintaining a healthy skin complexion as sleep boosts the blood flow to your skin, which giving it that youthful glow.

Developing products to improve wellness

Here at Ceechem we huge advocates of self-care and wellness. We’ve embraced this concept wholeheartedly, with the vision to help others become more mindful in practicing self-care. If you are interested in formulating skin care products or have an idea for deluxe bath and soap products to help with relaxation, call us today and we can help you with the right ingredients for your formulations. Our team can also assist you with developing fragrances and cosmetics, all of which can aid in the pursuit of self-care and wellness.